
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Brain Storming

We now arrive to every class knowing we are a group of philanthropists. We know this because through this class we are giving our time, talents, and treasure.

Excitedly, we start work as a grant board. First, we have to decide what we want to do with the $10,000 we are provided through the Learning by Giving Foundation. We start the two lists, seen below, and each write our top three values and interests. We then vote for what the top values and interests are for the class. Our winning values are: family, hard work, and compassion. The winning interests are education, science, and technology (not so surprising for a group of engineers).
Now we have a direction for deciding our mission statement. We start to realize what we are actually doing here, and how different this class is from our normal college grind.

Also we start work on ideas for our service project for here in Lowell. We are going to get to apply our time and talents this way. So not only are we giving $10,000 to our community, we also get to physically do something for our community directly. We have too many ideas from an after school activity to some sort of drive. 

We realize we need to gather more information about our community to make an effective impact. Thus we set off, each with an area to research about our community and plenty of ideas storming in our heads.

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